A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. ARC has conducted numerous best practice surveys over the past thirty years and has developed best practices for a large number of topics of interest to industry executives.

Rick Rys

The Unlikely Path of CCUS and Hydrogen in the USA

Past pollution problems for fossil fuels have found solutions like removing or scrubbing sulfur from coal or finding alternatives for lead in gasoline, but New CCUS and hydrogen chemical processes can extend the rein of fossil fuel industry but only if they can compete.
Peter Reynolds

A Collaborative Sustainability Solution for EPCs and Asset-Owners

As consumer pressure, government regulation and investor pressure mount, the need to mitigate sustainability project risks, optimize CapEx, and reduce time to market is imperative, hence the need for a Collaborative Sustainability Solution
Larry O'Brien, Jim Frazer, Peter Manos, and Gaven Simon

Business Impact of Sustainability and Energy Transition Across Supply Chain, Industry, and Infrastructure

ARC’s recent Orlando Forum workshop titled Building Sustainable Industrial Operations and Supply Chains Through Energy Transition served as an effective platform for discussing the intricate dynamics of the global energy transition and how sustainability is affecting almost every sector of industry and critical infrastructure.
Rick Rys

Achieving Grid Reliability with Renewables

The energy transition is driven by the goal to decarbonize the energy used for transportation, buildings, and industry. Lacking a low-cost way of removing greenhouse gases from the air, the solution is Achieving Grid Reliability with Renewables