Take Survey and see instant results! Use the QR Code:
or click here: Industrial Digital Transformation Snapshot
Digital transformation remains a top priority of most industrial companies. But it can be difficult to know whether your organization is keeping up with the changes and transformations that are taking place throughout the industrial sector. This Digital Transformation Council and ARC Advisory Group research is designed to give manufacturers/producers a feel for how your organization compares to other companies as we all navigate our individual digital transformation journeys. (If you are not a manufacturer/producer, please answer as your customer would.)
ARC Advisory Group conducts this survey to allow you to Benchmark your Digital Transformation Journey with your peers.
Who Should Take this Survey?
Users and buyers of industrial digital solutions, both hardware and software, across engineering (controls, process, manufacturing, maintenance), as well as management (plant, maintenance, operations, quality), and CxO (quality, operations, IT).
Privacy and Confidentiality
This survey requests information about your own experiences and observations. ARC will keep all individual responses confidential, and only aggregate information will be used in any reports. Your privacy is important to us. We do not trade, share, or sell your information to any third party.
Benefits of Participating
Respondents who complete the survey will be shown instant results! You will be able to instantly compare your practices with your peers in industry.
Please contact Greg Gorbach at GGorbach@arcweb.com if you have questions about this survey
Survey with instant results can be found at Industrial Digital Transformation Snapshot