Increasing Implementation of Wireless Solutions Drives Global Market for Temperature Transmitters

New ARC Advisory Group research on the Temperature Transmitter global market reveals that the increasing implementation of wireless technology is driving this market since the technology can help owner-operators across industries in cost savings as well as in improving process safety. Wireless technology will also allow users to install field devices in measurement points that previously were not feasible due to the high cost of wiring.

“Remote asset management using wireless technologies in hard-to-access areas in the oil & gas field, and chemical and power generation fleets is finding increasing acceptance from end users. Additionally, wireless technology makes installation faster, is more cost-effective, and enables measurements that were previously not viable. As wireless technology makes more points accessible, the usage of field devices will also increase,” according to P. Vidya, Analyst at ARC Advisory Group and key author of ARC’s Temperature Transmitter Global Market Research report.

Leading Suppliers to the Temperature Transmitter Market Identified

In addition to providing specific market data and industry trends, this ARC market research also identifies and positions the leading suppliers to this market and provides and summarizes their relevant offering. In alphabetical order, these include Emerson Automation Solutions, Endress+Hauser, and Yokogawa.

About the Temperature Transmitter Research

Temperature Transmitter Market TrendsThis ARC research explores current and historical market performance and related technology and business trends, identifies leading technology suppliers, and provides five-year global forecasts for the temperature transmitter market. This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques. The research includes competitive analysis, plus five-year market forecasts by industry, revenue category, intelligence, sensor type, transmission method, sales channels, and customers.

This new research is available in a variety of formats to meet the specific research and budgetary requirements of a wide variety of organizations. These include a:

  • Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel) – personalized spreadsheet includes five years of historical data in addition to the current base year market data and five-year market forecast. This workbook enables licensed users to freely manipulate the data to make it easier to analyze the latest data for business intelligence and generate custom reports.
  • Concise Presentation Market Analysis Report (PDF) – This wide-screen presentation format makes it much easier to find detailed information on a market. This new format provides executives, business unit managers, and other authorized users with immediate access to in-depth market analysis, including analysis associated with every market data chart and figure. Included is an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, five-year market forecast, and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues. The PDF is available with a comprehensive set of charts with associated analysis.

For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Data & Studies section.

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