Harry is ARC's lead analyst for the Distributed Control System (DCS) market. In addition, ARC leverages Harry's utility expertise in its coverage of Smart Grid, industrial networking, networking and communication standards, and the electric power vertical industry. His research topics include the DCS integration and architecture, Smart Grid, Smart Metering, energy storage, industrial wireless, industrial Ethernet and emerging network technologies.
Harry has 30 years of experience in automation, power generation, energy management, modeling and simulation, advanced control, and optimization. He has written for Control Design, Power magazine, and Hydrocarbon Processing magazine, as well as for many technical and industry conferences. Prior to joining ARC, Harry served in a variety of marketing, sales and engineering posts for Simsci-Esscor, Invensys, and Foxboro. He also worked as a performance and automation engineer in fossil and nuclear power generation at the Detroit Edison Company.