This week’s ARC Industry Forum in Orlando, Florida represented the 21st edition of this annual event. The Orlando Forum seems to attract more and more quality speakers, participants, and sponsors every year. It provides an opportunity for thought leaders from technology end user organizations, technology suppliers, academia, and government to convene to discuss emerging technologies and trends and share use cases. This event also often serves as a catalyst for important industrywide initiatives. This year was no exception.
Following the Sunday night, pre-Forum Super Bowl Party that has be-come a tradition in recent years (and what a Super Bowl it was!); a full day of interactive workshops, press announcements, and a welcome reception on Monday; the 21st Annual ARC Industry Forum officially kicked off with a series of thought-provoking keynotes at the Tuesday morning general session.
This report provides an overview of the three General Session keynotes covering industrial cybersecurity, the Open Process Automation initiative, and the digital enterprise, respectively. Not surprisingly, many common themes resonated through all three presentations, not the least of which is that while connectivity is good, it must be implemented with rigorous, ongoing attention to cybersecurity. Following the General Session, the close to 800 registered Forum participants had the opportunity to attend topical sessions in five dedicated tracks. These ranged from automation and cybersecurity, to IIoT-enabled asset management, digital platforms, and analytics.
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Keywords: ARC Industry Forum, Cybersecurity, Open Process Automation, Digital Enterprise, Digitalization, IIoT, Analytics, ARC Advisory Group.