The Control Valves Selection Guide includes selection criteria, supplier profiles, and strategies to help process manufacturing organizations select the correct control valves and supplier for their unique operations and business requirements.
The COVID-19 pandemic made many manufacturers realize that remote connectivity and enterprise-wide data access have become fundamental to optimizing manufacturing operations. As more manufacturing companies invest in secure data storage platforms that enable remote connectivity and enterprise-wide data access, they should also consider taking a closer look at control valve remote monitoring services offered by many of the major international control valve suppliers.
End users do not need more raw data; they need actionable information that allows them to keep operations up and running. End users do not need another alert that a control valve is operating out of spec; they need to know what they need to do and when they need to do it to prevent unplanned downtime due to a critical valve failure. Recognizing this, many international valve suppliers have developed remote monitoring services that help remove the burden of valve maintenance from the end users enabling them to focus on their core competencies. ARC believes service models such as “Expertise-as-a-Service” (EaaS) in which remote valve monitoring and diagnostics services are bundled, take the burden of maintaining their control valves away from end users who lack in-house valve experts.
Modularization breaks down systems, plants, processes, and unit operations into standard, modular components, much like those popular children’s building bricks that can be mixed and matched freely to make any number of different creations. End users should consider modular approaches to automation because they offer significant cost savings both from a project standpoint and throughout the plant lifecycle. Modular approaches also offer a smaller footprint, easier regulatory compliance, and a path to open systems and standardization. It is no accident that major industry initiatives are being driven by end users as these companies heavily incorporate modular design concepts. Modularization concepts also fit quite well with existing standards activities such as NAMUR NE 148, ISA 106, and ISA 88. Perhaps just as important is the ability of modular concepts to provide a “future proof” path for the adoption of advanced new technologies such as Industrial IoT, analytics, and cloud computing technologies. Many resources are available for end users who are interested in adopting modular automation in their plants.
Ethernet connection is generating a lot of interest in both the user and supplier communities. Ethernet offers many benefits—lower total cost of ownership (TCO), improved adaptability, better security, widespread availability, and market familiarity. It offers improved connectivity and functionality, allowing for easier access to measurement information. In recent years, networking technology has also overcome many of its disadvantages that hindered adoption in the industrial world. Using fiber-optic cables, Ethernet can be deployed for longer distances. Ethernet switches for hazardous areas are available and users also have the option of Power over Ethernet (PoE), so there is no need to run additional lines for power supply. In the process world, Ethernet can now connect a wide range of field instruments to a central control system.
Plant asset management (PAM) has become an important tool in helping users assess the health of their production assets and processes, and it is instrumental in developing effective predictive maintenance programs and achieving operational excellence. End users have begun to better realize this and are taking measures to keep physical assets in good working condition to avoid business interruption and improve profitability as well as plant safety. Growth and spending for PAM systems will continue to rise as users seek to determine equipment condition as a means of increasing asset utilization. A key enabler of PAM is intelligent control valves with diagnostic capabilities. Although many intelligent control valves have been installed in plants around the world, they are often underutilized. End users should provide training, education, and support programs to plant staff to realize the benefits that smart control valves offer. End users should work with suppliers to get clear demonstrations of how embedded device diagnostics can help them assess not only the condition of the valve but also the condition of the process.
For more information or to purchase the Control Valves Selection Guide, please contact us.
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