Collaborative Robots Fill A Crucial Need for Connected Manufacturing Operations

ARC’s new report on the market for Collaborative Robots reveals that to get the full benefit from human-robot collaboration, manufacturers must develop integrated strategies that combine data analytics, design, and a new partnership ecosystem. Intelligent robots with integrated vision guidance and enhanced sensors are more adaptable to the production environment. The new breed of robots is more mobile, better integrated with human activities, and most importantly, can learn new skills and generate new insights/thoughts on the job. The increase in the use of cobots also leads to increased data, and manufacturers need to put in more effort in securing and analyzing this data. Cobots will become increasingly important for manufacturers seeking to maximize flexibility in their automation strategies.

"Robotics today is in a much different market than it was 10 years ago. Today’s robots are faster, more precise, safer, cheaper, and, above all else, more reliable, with per year run costs being as low as $2,000 for certain types of robots. Collaborative robots will become a key source of information on the factory floor. The collection of data, however, is just one part of the task. Manufacturers will have to implement systems to organize and analyze all this information to be able to act on it. Big Data analysis will become a competitive differentiator. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have shown robotics new areas to explore. Machines are given rigorous training and are fed with improved data to make intelligent decisions without any human intervention. Artificial intelligence and robotics are together expected to create many job opportunities in the coming years," according to Rajkumar Paira, Senior Analyst and key author of ARC's Collaborative Robots Market Research Report.

Collaborative Robots Market Trends

In addition to providing detailed competitive market share data, the report also addresses key market trends as follows.:

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks 
  • Beneficial for Small Part 
  • Assembly Cobots for Hazardous Environments 
  • Connected Cobots
  • Influence of Cobots on the Factory Floor
  • Intelligent Robots with Integrated Vision Guidance and Enhanced Sensors 
  • Lightweight Design
  • Maximize Flexibility
  • OPC UA
  • Productive Gains

Leading Suppliers to the Collaborative Robots Market Identified

In addition to providing specific market data and industry trends, this ARC market research also identifies and positions the leading suppliers to this market and provides and summarizes their relevant offerings. An alphabetical list of key suppliers covered in this analysis includes: ABB, FANUC, Kawasaki Robotics, Techman Robot, Teradyne (Universal Robots).

About the Collaborative Robots Research

The Collaborative Robots report explores the current and future market performance and related technology and business trends and identifies leading technology suppliers. This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques. The research includes competitive analysis, plus five-year market forecasts and up to 3 years of historical analysis segmented by World Region, Sales Channel, Revenue Category, Payload, Industry, Customer Type, Arm Type, Application.

This new research is available in a variety of formats to meet the specific research and budgetary requirements of a wide variety of organizations. These include a:

  • Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel Power Pivot): A standard Workbook includes the base year market data and a five-year market forecast. This workbook enables licensed users to freely manipulate the data to make it easier to analyze the latest data for business intelligence and generate custom reports. Available with up to 3 years of historical analysis.
  • Concise Market Analysis Report (PDF): Provides an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, market forecasts, and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues. The PDF is available with or without detailed charts.

For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Data & Studies section.

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