From Chips to the Cloud: Embedded AI and Security Driving the Intelligent Edge

Edge computing is emerging as the operational ​implementation of the industrial IoT.  As cloud platform providers and chip makers confront today's already massive and rapidly growing volumes of data generated by smart connected ecosystems in manufacturing and business, stakeholders are dealing with how this data should be best secured and authenticated between the cloud and mission critical operational computing.  It is becoming increasingly clear that processing this data will have to be done at the edge, which will have to become more secure and intelligent through AI specific processors.  Additionally, security at the edge will be critical with embedded security encryption that secures and authenticates user devices and digital assets.  This will be the edge computing of the future. 

This session will examine how embedded AI is enabling the intelligent edge and how a new generation of computer chips are being developed specifically for intelligent processing at the edge while considering how to trust and manage all the data coming from the edge.  This session will also focus on early adopters​​ by industries such as automotive and other manufacturing sectors.

Wednesday AM
S2: 10:30 AM Track 5 (Oceans 10)