Battery Manufacturing Machinery Market Driven by Demand for Lithium-Ion Batteries

New ARC Advisory Group emerging market research on the Battery Manufacturing Machinery market reveals that the machinery segment for battery manufacturing experienced strong growth and is expected to continue its growth path due to the rising demand for Lithium-Ion batteries used in electric vehicles (cars and mobile machinery) and electronic devices.

“Investment in battery manufacturing machinery is driven by consumer behavior and the increased spending on electric vehicles, e-bikes, and electronic devices. Government initiatives support not only the demand side of electric car purchase but also the production of batteries, as it is seen as a strategic field for the future. Also new mobility concepts like autonomous driving are often based on CO2 emission-neutral solutions that are based on battery-powered drive trains. A smaller segment includes mobile machinery, where electrification also continues,” according to Stefan Miksch, Senior Analyst at ARC Advisory Group and key author of ARC’s Battery Manufacturing Machinery Global Emerging Market Analysis report.

About the Battery Manufacturing Machinery Research

This ARC research explores current market performance and related technology and business trends, identifies leading technology suppliers, and provides five-year global forecasts for the battery manufacturing machinery market.  This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques.  The research includes market size and five-year market forecasts by region, hardware, services, and battery production processes (electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, cell finishing).   

This new research is available as a Concise Market Analysis Report (PDF) which provides an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, market forecasts, and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues.  

For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Data & Studies section.

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