Attentive Energy One Selected by New York State to Power Over 700,000 Homes with Offshore Wind

Author photo: Jim Frazer
ByJim Frazer
Project Success Story

Attentive Energy One – a joint venture between TotalEnergies, Rise Light & Power, and Corio Generation – has been selected by Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in New York State's highly Attentive Energy Onecompetitive third offshore wind solicitation to negotiate an offtake agreement with NYSERDA. This 1,400 MW offshore wind project will support the nation's first renewable repowering of a major fossil fuel generator, retiring and replacing a 60-year-old unit at Ravenswood Generating Station in Long Island City. Once operational, the project is expected to power over 700,000 New York homes from an area more than 50 miles from the nearest point onshore in New York.

In addition to reducing carbon emissions by more than one million tons per year – equivalent to removing 13% of cars from New York City streets – Attentive Energy One is expected to deliver $25.6 billion in direct and indirect economic benefits to New York State, including more than 2,600 new unique jobs. The project is also expected to save ratepayers approximately $10 billion on their utility bills over the first 25 years of operation, including $500 million in savings for low-income New Yorkers.

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