In this podcast, we interview Mr. Joel Rakow of Fortium Partners, which consists of a network of world-class technology executives that are hired by Fortium clients in an advisory role. Joel is a partner in the Los Angeles practice of Fortium Partners. He brings more than 25 years of technology leadership experience in the area of e-crime risk management, which encompasses all elements of both physical security and cybersecurity. Rakow is globally recognized in the field of technology security, having served as an advisor to the Secret Service and Los Angeles Electronic Crimes Task Force and a representative member of the FBI Infragard, Adobe Software’s Advisory Council, and the Receivers Team for the State Courts of California.
In this episode, we talk about the role of cybersecurity in building automation, the lack of relevant experience in cybersecurity that many workers have at the OT level in today's built environment, and what we must do to address these concerns. Many of the systems in today's intelligent buildings have the potential to impact human health and safety, particularly in this very vulnerable moment in human history. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a surge in cyber-crime. It's time to raise the level of awareness of cybersecurity among OT level workers in today's built environment and get serious about securing our buildings.
Some comments from Joel on the role of building automation systems in cybersecurity:
[Building automation systems are] the entry point, where certainly nation-states gain their foothold inside the perimeter of a company. And then they'll move either.....to IT or to building automation systems. But more than half, according to the Harvard Business Review, more than half of all cyberattacks on American companies in the year 2017, they got their initial point of entry through building systems. In 2019, Microsoft came out with IoT Signals report on the three most common systems that [are compromised in] successful attacks on American public corporations perpetrated by nation-states, and they identified 1,400 of them. The top three systems that they gained entry through were, in order, VOIP telephone, video surveillance, and office machines.