ARC China Blogs
Schneider Electric Industry Software 2017 China Conference Held in Beijing
Schneider Electric Industry Software 2017 China Conference was held in Beijing on September 5, under the theme of “Digitize, Transform, Empower”.
Government Subsidies Boost China’s Smart Manufacturing Market
With the rapid growth of China’s smart manufacturing market in recent years, ARC Advisory Group receives many questions from our clients about this market, especially about the extent and impact of government subsidies.
Emerging Technologies Accelerate Service-oriented Manufacturing in China
To improve China’s global competitiveness, the government launched national initiatives such as “Made in China 2025.” Along with enabling technology approaches such as smart manufacturing and IIoT, service-oriented manufacturing (SOM) has emerged as another vital pillar
User Acceptance for APC and RTO Solutions in China on the Rise Again
Sinopec, a leading integrated oil and chemical company in China, introduced advanced process control (APC) and real-time (online) optimization (RTO) applications in the country in the early 1990s.
China’s Automation Market in Recovery Mode
While the numbers are still not great overall, preliminary ARC research indicates that the ongoing decline in China’s total automation market levelled off gradually from first through third quarters of 2016, then moved into positive growth territory in Q4 2016. Th
Siemens Partners with Sinomach in Global Equipment Manufacturing Market
Siemens and a subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach) signed a strategic partnership agreement, under which both parties will fully cooperate in such areas as technology R&D, equipment manufacturing, a