Andreas has been with Siemens since 2000. During the last 17 years he has been in different responsibilities of the company in Germany and China. After his studies, Andreas joined the chemical and pharmaceutical company Hoechst in 1996 (Frankfurt/Germany), starting within plant- and project engineering as an engineer and later project director. In 2004, he transferred to the Automation & Drives group of Siemens in Nuremberg, building up a contract management group for enterprise customers. After his General Manager position (2006-2009), he was responsible for process automation solutions at Siemens in China (Industrial Automation) and he lead the business segment of Comos Industry Solutions within Siemens Process Industries & Drives Division from 2010 until 2016. In December 2016, Andreas took over the CTO responsibility for the cloud based open IOT operating system Mindsphere within the Division of Digital Factory. Andreas holds a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Mannheim and holds an Executive Transition Certificate of the European School of Management & Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.