Advantech IoT Co-Creation Summit was held in November 1~2 at the Suzhou International Expo Center, over 5,000 participants from 56 countries and regions attended it. The event included about 100 in-depth discussion seminars and170 booths, among them, 57 booths are displayed by its SRP (Solution Ready Package) and DFSI (Domain Focused System Integrators) partners.
In the first day, K.C.Liu, Chairman of Advantech, gave a keynote presentation, named “Co-creating the future of the IoT world”. He said, although today, hardware, mainly of kinds of automation & embedded platforms is still core revenue and profit source of company, Advantech is aggressively to embrace IoT technology. The company has invested a lot in software and cloud services business in past years. In 2014, Advantech introduced WISE-PaaS cloud service platform, and now has updated to 3.0 version. With this platform, Advantech is promoting SRP developer co-creation with partners; meantime, as an enabler, Advantech is also developing DFSI to deliver final solutions to end-customers in industries.
SRPs are standardized and replicable solutions combining hardware and software. In Advantech defined IoT oriented business mode, SRPs will be mainly developed by SRP developers. These SRPs can then be installed by DFSIs, thus forming comprehensive industry solutions to end-users.
In the event, over 30 SRPs developed by Advantech and its partners were displayed, mainly applied in Industry 4.0 and iFactory, Smart City, iRetail&iLogistics&iHealthcare, Energy and Environment, Edge intelligence solutions and others. In plan, Advantech want to develop over 60 new SRP developers and 80 DFSIs in next three years.